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Sunday, 8 April 2012

Unplanned Honeymoon holiday

hi sweetie
im so happy today even i'm facing out of space problem in my otak.
sgt penat
weekend yang penat tapi menyeronokkan. Why? I'll review later. Ni nak review pasal unplanned honeymoon. As in previous entry klik sini , dd mmg da give up n x nak plan for honeymoon. Xde destinasi yang dd nak tuju, since en.debab told me that he might not able to get extra holiday, so do i. so we decide to postpone our honeymoon to next good date. 

On Friday evening, incik debab call me to inform that we got 3days 2night hotel voucher at Residence Resort Terengganu. His sister gift to us as advance wedding gift. Waaaa...lompat2 dd time tu even dd xtau location Residence Resort Terengganu. asalkan 
Terengganu sudah since i'm dreaming to have an holiday at seaside are. 
Bile search dekat google maka jumpa la.Rupa2nye resort ni terletak kat Paka.. Ala...bit frusted. Since i had been there. Paka ni g time2 bujang besh la. banyak abg2 petronas dok ngorat.Hahahaha.

 But since this resort located along the beach i feel bit happy. So conclusion nya. Kami akan holiday di terengganu for our honeymoon. Besh2. Dapat Executive Suite lagi. Besh gile. Tgk review macam cantik je. Layannnn

Apa nak buat kat paka? Dd rasa g KT la kot. Sbb Paka located 100km away from KT. Wink2..besh2


  1. wahhh..bestnye...cuti jgn x cuti..hehe

    1. ecah
      tu la org kata rezeki kawen kot.
      ecah da dpt kan beli tiket matta fair aritu?

  2. haip didi...sempat berpikiran dengan abag petronas ye....gtau encik debab..;P

    1. nisa,
      harusla sempat.sbb last dd g sana dlu, sempat kenal ngan abg petronas.kikiki..incik debab x heran.sbb ari2 dd dikelilingi abg2 petronas.hahaha

  3. didi.. dpt voucher residence resort ke? hehehee..
    yan memang kt residence skg ni.. outstation 2 wks kt paka..heee~
    resort mmg by the beach.. ;)

    1. yan
      yeke?bestnye outstation pantai timur, dd slalu outstation utara selatan je.pantai timur org lain take ober.huhu. yan keje ngan petronas ke?

      best x resort dia?hehehe
